Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Fabulously Stylish!

Yemisi Adeyemo is a student of Dublin Business school , a personal stylist and a fashionista. What I love about her is her unique sense of style and how she plays with colours.

What inspires my sense of style are the things that are in vogue, colours and emotion. Sometimes I just dress up, look in the mirror and if I like what I see, I’m out of the door. I would like to call myself a trendsetter. I don’t exactly conform. I take what suits me and I am ready to go.

What I am so loving at the moment would be the high waisted trousers because it is so in style now and it is hot!

My favourite fashion item of all time would be high heels. For me, no outfit is complete without a pair of high heels.

Right now I find it hard to leave the house without my rings. They are so beautiful.

Stay fabulous!



  1. Great style !!

    Dear, I am hosting Lotus Mendes international giveaway currently, where 3 winners will win $180 worth of Rings...Would mean a lot...Just click the link below to enter :)

    Enter 3 winner Lotus Mendes ($180) Giveaway
    ♡ StylishByNature.com

  2. Just stopping by from your comment on SITS. Great post! I love how your blog is a mix of fashion and beauty. I just added you to my google reader :)


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